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Vanguard Bandits

by Smasher Dynamo

Part 28: Chapter #14: Faulkner's Ambition, Part 3 and Status Update

Chapter #14: Faulkner's Ambition, Part Three

: I'm so happy to so you safe. When Galvas was unable to find you, we all feared the worst.
: I'm happy to see you too, Bastion. I'm sorry that I caused you so much trouble at the temple. I almost cost you and your friends their lives! I was pathetic for allowing myself to be captured and used against you. I couldn't bear to face you then, and I can't even bear to face you now!
: It wasn't your fault, Milea! I was at fault for not protecting you in such a dangerous situation!
: All this time, I thought that you were upset with me, but you're only upset with yourself! I forgive you, Bastion. As long as you forgive me.
: Of course, Milea--if you promise to explain how you ended up here.
: Well...after Faulkner released me, I was so upset with myself that I ran blindly away from the battle. There were so many tears in my eyes that the world in front of me was a blur of brown and green. I never saw the cliff, Bastion. I only felt myself fall through the air and smash into the ground.
Okay, so Milea apparently accidentally ran off of a cliff. She's....not too bright.
: Were you injured?!
: Most definitely...but I was found by Lord Alden and Melior as they were returning to Hibernia. They tended to my injuries, and I asked them for asylum, because I was too distraught to face you. They agreed, and brought me here to recuperate. Then I made another request of them.
Now, if Bastion's level is over 18, then the conversation ends before she discusses her 'other request.'
: I asked them to teach me how to use an ATAC.
: You're not serious, are you?
: I didn't want to be helpless anymore. I wanted to feel useful, and I wanted to help you. Alden and Melior were very patient, and taught me very well. They say I have a gift for piloting ATACs! Bastion, allow me to fight with you. I want to help you defeat the Empire! I want to make amends for all the trouble I caused you, and I want to share in your triumphs. Please...

And we get a choice. There's exactly no good reasons not to take Milea, but, for the sake of completion...

: I'm sorry, Milea, but I can't do that.
: Why not, Bastion?! I have been trained by Lord Alden and Melior, his strongest warrior! I am more than capable!
: I have no doubt that you are, Milea, but I don't want you to be a part of this battle. I want you to wait in the capital city until this war is over.
You see, Bastion has a lot of love interests, but they're all engaged in the war, so Bastion needs an insurance love interest, in case the rest get killed in combat. It's just smart romantic planning.
: Bastion, I don't understand!
: I have already lost so many friends in this war, Milea. People I deeply care about. People I love. I already thought you were lost to me once before, and I could not bear it if you were lost a second time. I love you, Milea. I don't want you placed in danger. I want to end this war and come home to you.
Yeah, Bastion apparently cannot go more than two missions without declaring his love for a new woman.
: Oh...Alright, Bastion. If you want me to wait for you, I will. I love you too, Bastion.
: Milea...
: Yes, Bastion?
: Have I told you how beautiful you look in the moonlight?
Vanguard Bandits 2 was going to be about 8 of Bastion's bastard children coming together to fight Bastion's only legitimate son, but was canceled at the last minute. Yes, I'm kidding.

: Where...are you? I'm sorry, Bastion! I didn't mean to interrupt your...conversation!
: What are you implying, Reyna? Milea and I were just kiss--uh, catching up!
: Oh, really? Is THAT what you kids are calling it these days?
: Reyna!
: See you on the battlefield, stud boy!
: Uh...I have to go, Milea. Take care of yourself, alright?
: Of course, Bastion. Be careful!

Of course, that's not going to be the option I take. No, I prefer a choice that will get me another ATAC and not have Bastion come off as a tool.

: Of course, Milea, I would be honored. Just promise me you won't outpilot me too badly in front of the others!
: Ha, ha, ha! I'll certainly try not to embarrass you, Bastion!

: Well, Milea? Are you sure you're ready for this?
: Yes, Bastion. I want nothing more than the chance to fight by your side.
: Then let's go!
: Thank you, Bastion...

Status Check

There's a shop open at the end of chapter 14, selling the best weapons and stones you'll be able to buy in the game. Let's take a look at where the team is at...


Still the class of the team. Now that I've picked up Milea, I don't have to worry about holding back with Bastion anymore, so expect to see him gain a ton of levels over the next few missions.


See, Reyna's Trick does work with the Alba! Anyway, the 4th level water stone opens up Reyna's Trick, which costs a ton of AP, but is absolutely necessary because it's a collision attack, meaning that enemies won't (usually) counter-attack. That's going to be important if we ever get into a mission against a dozen Sharkings.


The 4th-level fire stone opens up Burning Soul for Devlin. It does a lot of damage, but has shit accuracy and costs 50 FP per use. Still, it will be needed...


Barlow is never going to be much more than a Turbulence platform.


If I'm being honest, Zeira isn't really much better than a Turbulence platform himself. Sonic Blade is okay, but doesn't do enough damage to offset its high FP cost.


Andrew finally gets his ultimate attack, Somersault. It's a nice attack, and once I get his BAS high enough, he'll learn the Second Attack Dormant skill, letting him shoot two Turbulences a turn, which will essentially lock any one enemy down for a turn.


A tank, pure and simple. And that has its value.


At one point, someone in this thread said Altagrave was one of the worst excavated ATACs. That's probably true, but it's still a lot better than most of your units. There are some real problems, though. First, Alden is locked into using water-stone skills, which suck. Second, his ultimate attack, Blizzard Break, costs 80 AP, meaning you can move, at most, one square and still have enough AP to use it. Finally, his power is so low that even if he can use the attack, it's not going to do that much damage. That said, he has a tremendous amount of defense, and I need someone who's able to take hits in lieu of glass cannons like Reyna or Devlin, so I can't really bring myself to dislike Alden that much.


Ah, Milea. Now that I have her, what do I do with her? She's under-leveled, has a rather mediocre ATAC (at least by the relative standards of this party) and has abysmal power. I slapped a wind stone on her so that she could use Turbulence, if only because I couldn't think of anything better.

Next Time: You totally won't believe it!